Friday, February 21, 2014

Adios Amigos

Finally did it. Some long overdue housekeeping. I'd been feeling for quite some time that I had zero friends. A few acquaintances. But no "I got your back" friends. That became clearer and clearer over the years. Especially when i drank myself into the ER and a week of suicide watch. No one. nothing.

So my birthday came and went. I really don't care about those things. But this one got to me.
Because my daughter didn't even remember it.
And, as much vile i have for her mother, i'd never let Lexy overlook that day.
But she's a kid and that's not what bugged me.
Facebook. That bothered me. Of my 130 or so "friends" Almost NO ONE even said "hi". And that didn't really bug me, either.
I have a "friend" who also shares that birth date. She's gorgeous and very successful. And almost never on FB. and NEVER posts anything beyond "i'm so hot!" pics.
Now. when I saw her wall and EVERYONE said "yo", well, that was it for me. Said it all so clearly.
So we had a great dinner at Mario Batali's pizza place in Newport. Funny, just a stones throw from where I entered this messy world. And i put up my final post from there. "Adios Amigos."  Only one "Friend" replied.